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Friday, June 25, 2010

Slugs n' Stuff

Wanna know what fascinates a toddler?

From June 2010

I'll give you 2 guesses...

It's worth doing a pseudo-headstand over:
From June 2010

It's squishy and slimy (gross!)

From June 2010

If it could run, it would!!! A screaming almost 2 year old boy is scary. The poor thing was probably frozen in terror.

From June 2010

It kind of looks like a piece of poo from the distance. It's not. It's a slug.

Big sister needed a piece of this action:

From June 2010

From June 2010

Okay... cheap summer entertainment. Check

From June 2010

From June 2010

Our Kids Are...

"Awesome". The exact words out of Mike's mouth tonight. I couldn't agree more. I love them! They are all that and a bag of chips. Today Mackenzy worked with Ethan on his "word book" and got him to say a completely new word! He said "banana"! Great job big sis. She is such a great big sister. Helped me fetch things while I was feeling yucky with my migraine today. She fetched me a blankie and then snuggled her brother on the couch. What a good girl. Watching them together is one of my favorite things.

Monday, June 14, 2010

New tricks

Who said a 7 year old couldn't learn new tricks? I looooove this one!! Be still my heart.

One less thing I have to do around here!

Pimp my blog

I just pimped my blog. again. Except I can't seen to get the darn border out of my header image. Drat!!! Ack!!! I want to chuck this computer out the window. However since I know that doing that is extremely counterproductive I'll refrain for now. Guess the neighbors won't find out how nuts I am, not today anyway.

Anyhow, this blog started out with project 365 and that has fallen by the wayside. Why? Well... let me tell you! I've been busy! Work and kids have caught up with me and some days I feel like I'm treading water with my chin barely above the crashing waves. *gulp* I'm drowning. DROWNING! Ok that's being dramatic. I'm also lazy. But I think I'll go with drowning as my excuse for now. Cue the violins. We took some fabulous pictures of the kids yesterday. They were splashing around in the pool, running around the yard. It was so nice and warm! Of course today we are back to the clouds. Boohoo! Oh June, why do you tease us so? Pictures can be found HERE you have to be my friend of facebook to view them. I'm assuming if you made it to this blog you are on facebook? hmmm. :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


mud, originally uploaded by christakp.

Just remembering a rainy day not to long ago. Someday I'll miss these things... or not. lol. This photo makes me smile. I think I'm gonna frame it and put it on my night stand. You know, for those sleepless nights when the little guy won't go to sleep? Then I'll remember why I love him so much. He's wild and fun and unpredictable. Being a mom is my favorite job.

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12th, 2010

Sweet Salvia, originally uploaded by christakp.

Jumping back on the bandwagon. this is a picture of the salvia we planted in the backyard. Hope we can keep these purple beauties alive!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16th - Let them eat cake!

So this project 365 thing is kind of flopping. Life is getting in the way... But I will continue to try and do a daily picture. It's been a whole month since my last post. Oops.
This is a yummy zucchini cake I made today and ate for lunch. Yeah, don't judge me. I deserve it! And so do you!!! Go eat some cake!! Ethan had some for lunch as well... hey it has cream cheese (dairy), zucchini (vegi) and pinapple (fruit). Good enough, right? Click here for the recipe

And the photo (drumroll please)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16th- Sassy girl

Mackenzy posing in the kitchen
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February 15th - Truckin'

Ethan playing with his dump truck
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February 14th - Valentine's Day

This is the lovely rose that my daughter picked out for me. What a sweety. :)
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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tough Lesson

I have learned a hard lesson this evening. Procrastination is a bad thing. A very very bad thing. Sadly I have lost the past 2 weeks of photos. That's 13 days of my life I will never get back. I have been faithfully snapping at least one but usually many more photos per day. I had over 300 pictures on my memory card and tonight when I pulled it out of my camera to begin my catch up and upload them to my computer, the card was blank! Blank!!! I put it back in my camera and got an error message. Card is unreadable. What!?!?! Noooooooooooo! How can that be? I just looked at the photos yesterday. I just uploaded a few from Mackenzy's award assembly. Ugh. At least I did that much. So a big speedbump in my project 365 which is more like project 365 - 14 days. :(

I need to go buy a new memory card tomorrow and then I can resume. Lesson learned.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

January 29th - What's not to love?

Seriously. I love kissing those cute little cheeks.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28th - Reader

I'm so proud of my little girl. She can now read an entire book all by herself.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27th - blanket

Ethan loves his blankie.

January 26th - coffee cake literally

Courtesy of the pioneer woman. It's really really yummy

January 25th - family

What I miss out on when I'm leaving for work. sigh.

January 24th - Football Sunday

Guess who gets dressed up to watch football with daddy?

January 23rd - Pretty girl

She loves to pose. All the time. :)

January 22nd - Get me out of here

He wants down. Can you tell?

January 21st - peanut butter and jelly

Is there anything better than watching a toddler enjoy a PB&J sandwich? I think not.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20th - Nursing in my shoes

These are my shoes. My nursing shoes to be exact. Well worn and stained. They are the most comfortable pair I own. They keep my feet safe from God only knows what inhabits the hospital floor. They are with me during those long 12 hour shifts. If those shoes could talk...

Anyhow, here is a nice poem I found. :)

Sometimes I forget why I'm a nurse
And what's really in my heart.

Sometimes I'm just too busy
I don't know where to start.

Then someone holds my hand,
And greets me with a smile.

They ask if I could stay with them
For just a little while.

If I can calm a sorrowed heart
Just because I'm there.

Then I'm reminded why I'm a Nurse
It's all because I care.

Author unknown

And a fun one for us night shifters (true too)
If you waken a patient at night,
Please be gentle, don't give him a fright.
And stand back from the bed.
If he's out of his head,
He might try to punch out both your lights.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19th - Self Portrait

January 19th - Self Portrait, originally uploaded by christakp.

A self portrait for today. Here is the view my kids have of me most of the time. They know to stop and pose. Well Mackenzy does anyway. Ethan tends to run away at that perfect moment when I'm on the verge of capturing that perfect moment.

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18th - Barbies

January 18th - Barbies, originally uploaded by christakp.

So my darn camera is playing evil tricks on me. I took several great shots of Ethan and Mackenzy but for some reason when I put the card in the computer the pictures were gone! Ugh!!!

This one stuck though. Here is Mackenzy doing one of her absolute favorite things. She loves her barbie dolls. She is using her Hannah Montana closet as a house. Cute. Also, she's wearing the new shirt from Jenny and Chelle. Thanks girls! So cute!

We went to lunch with Jenny today who was nice enough to drive all the way down here to the middle of nowhere. Thanks for lunch miss!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Week 2 Scrapped

Yes! I'm keeping up! Yay me!

Look alike?

Look alike? , originally uploaded by christakp.

What do you think? I think we look a lot alike! :) Had to share, this made me smile.

January 17th - cousins

January 17th - cousins, originally uploaded by christakp.

Mackenzy holding her cousin, Izabella. Bells is 6 months old and such a delight. We got to babysit her for a few hours today while grandma went to a movie. Nice to get the baby fix!

January 16th - football Saturday

Enough said! Thanks for the bunny ears Uncle John John. :)

January 15th - our view from the porch

Ok so I'm catching up again. Here is our view from the porch. Not bad, right? I tried to catch a sunset the other day but missed it by the time I grabbed my camera. Now we're back to cloudy drizzle. Ahhhh winter... when will you leave?

Friday, January 15, 2010

January 14th - getting into trouble

So yes I know I've posted a lot of Ethan pictures this week. It's easier because he's around more during the week and Mack is in school all day. Here's his latest dangerous act... drawer surfing! Will he ever be safe? I feel like I need to buy this boy a helmet and some pads.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13th - little charmer

January 13th - little charmer, originally uploaded by christakp.

Quite possibly the cutest little guy in the world. What? I'm not biased. lol. Not me!!! He was doing this thing where he squats down and looks up at you. So funny!

Well put!

I love this post and had to link it up here. I'm the mom of an intact little baby boy and I'm tired of explaining why. Even my OB/GYN had several "stern" conversations with me about it. To him and all judgementals *read it*

Circumcision is for weiners

Week 1 scrapped

January 12th - baby got back

January 12th - baby got back, originally uploaded by christakp.

I just love his little diaper hanging out. So cute! Only a toddler can get away with this.

January 11th - helping mommy

January 11th - helping mommy, originally uploaded by christakp.

she loves washing dishes! Wonder if this will last...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 10th

January 10th, originally uploaded by christakp.

Ethan trying on Daddy's hat.

January 9th

January 9th, originally uploaded by christakp.

Mackenzy playing in her new room!

January 8th

January 8th, originally uploaded by christakp.

Home sweet home!

January 7th - sweet sibling

Day 7, originally uploaded by christakp.

I'm finally back online and catching up on my posts. I've been taking my daily photos and now I get to share them. I love this picture. Ethan often climbs onto his big sisters lap and she loves to hold him. What a good big sister she is!


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