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Friday, June 25, 2010

Slugs n' Stuff

Wanna know what fascinates a toddler?

From June 2010

I'll give you 2 guesses...

It's worth doing a pseudo-headstand over:
From June 2010

It's squishy and slimy (gross!)

From June 2010

If it could run, it would!!! A screaming almost 2 year old boy is scary. The poor thing was probably frozen in terror.

From June 2010

It kind of looks like a piece of poo from the distance. It's not. It's a slug.

Big sister needed a piece of this action:

From June 2010

From June 2010

Okay... cheap summer entertainment. Check

From June 2010

From June 2010

Our Kids Are...

"Awesome". The exact words out of Mike's mouth tonight. I couldn't agree more. I love them! They are all that and a bag of chips. Today Mackenzy worked with Ethan on his "word book" and got him to say a completely new word! He said "banana"! Great job big sis. She is such a great big sister. Helped me fetch things while I was feeling yucky with my migraine today. She fetched me a blankie and then snuggled her brother on the couch. What a good girl. Watching them together is one of my favorite things.

Monday, June 14, 2010

New tricks

Who said a 7 year old couldn't learn new tricks? I looooove this one!! Be still my heart.

One less thing I have to do around here!

Pimp my blog

I just pimped my blog. again. Except I can't seen to get the darn border out of my header image. Drat!!! Ack!!! I want to chuck this computer out the window. However since I know that doing that is extremely counterproductive I'll refrain for now. Guess the neighbors won't find out how nuts I am, not today anyway.

Anyhow, this blog started out with project 365 and that has fallen by the wayside. Why? Well... let me tell you! I've been busy! Work and kids have caught up with me and some days I feel like I'm treading water with my chin barely above the crashing waves. *gulp* I'm drowning. DROWNING! Ok that's being dramatic. I'm also lazy. But I think I'll go with drowning as my excuse for now. Cue the violins. We took some fabulous pictures of the kids yesterday. They were splashing around in the pool, running around the yard. It was so nice and warm! Of course today we are back to the clouds. Boohoo! Oh June, why do you tease us so? Pictures can be found HERE you have to be my friend of facebook to view them. I'm assuming if you made it to this blog you are on facebook? hmmm. :)


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