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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

Or happy leap year? Hmmmm. Not sure how to celebrate this extra day of the year. I just realized that I haven't uploaded a picture for February. So perhaps my Project 12 is gonna flop? Nah!!! I WILL get a picture tomorrow. I will!!!!

The end of February marks the beginning of an emotional month. March. On March 8th my baby girl will be one. ONE! ONE YEAR OLD. I just can't believe a year has flown by so fast. Really really fast. I am so blessed. She is a healthy, bouncy, screachy, smiley, clapping, standing, crawling, vibrant one year old. almost.

 I still can't believe how scary her birth was and how uncertain those first days were. I really didn't know if we would get to this place. Where she is so wonderful and healthy.

BLESSED.  *tears*

 I still have 8 more days of my baby before she gets advanced to toddler-hood. Or rather waddler-hood... since she isn't quite toddling yet. More like cruising holding onto the furniture. And plopping onto her diapered bottom. God I love that little girl. She rocks my world.

So happy end of February and beginning of March!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Project 12 - January

Tada! Here is my pic of the month for January 2012

I plan to try harder to get a cuter photo for February. Theme for February is love bug

Handsome Guy

Cadence seems to be stealing the show these days. How about some Ethan love. :)

His eyelashes are to die for. Just like his daddy's. 

Making goofy faces 

hamming it up

And another

Seriously! Who can resist this little smile? *wrapped around her finger*
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Cadence Julia

mama's pretty girl <3
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Monday, January 30, 2012

Sweet Rewards

Q: What happens when you use the potty? 

A: Mom takes you to Dairy Queen for **ICCREAM**

chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard to be exact. Per the request of the three year old. :)


Here's another thing to add to the list of things I never thought I'd say.
"Put your gun down and finish your dinner"

ha ha

A day of firsts

I forgot to post the day that Cadence started crawling. January 8th - exactly 10 months old. This is funny because Ethan started crawling at exactly 9 months (6.20.2009). Memorable for me. But for some reason I can't remember when Mack started crawling. Dang. She was not amused. I should have made something up so she wouldn't feel left out. I think 10ish months with Mack.

So today's firsts -
#1. Ethan used the POTTY unprompted. He ran into the bathroom, shut the door in my face and used the potty on his own! I was so happy! He was dry too! Hurray!!! I can see an end to cleaning up toddler poops (at least temporarily) on the horizon. I am desperate to get him into preschool in the fall to give him something special of his own to do and get him out of the house and socialized. We are making progress!

#2. While I was filling up the bathtub Cadence pulled herself from sitting to standing on the edge of the tub. She promptly fell over but not before I could snap a pic with my phone. :) Big girl!


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