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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To Wash or Not?

 These frequent several times a day blog posts will stop once I'm back at work tomorrow. But I'm bored and nesting. I am torn on whether to wash Cadence's clothes. I have this naggy feeling of paranoia that I'm going to take all the tags off and wash stuff only to find out at our next u/s that she is a he. I know it's stupid. I never felt this way with the other 2. I pulled off those tags with careless abandon. Why am I nervous about it? Girlie bedding has been ordered, girlie clothes pile up in her soon to be room. I even embroidered her Christmas stocking. I think with the other 2 kids I'd had at least one more ultrasound at this point and had it confirmed at least twice. I haven't seen her since my 18 week ultrasound which seems like ages ago. So maybe that's playing into all of this. Plus I don't know when the next ultrasound will be. I don't know if I'll face pre-term labor this time around and then be feeling sad and irritated that I didn't get all this stuff done NOW rather than waiting until I'm ordered to bed rest. I'm not saying that's going to happen. But what if?  Ugh. UUUUUUGGGGGHHHH. I wish I had $200 to shell out on a fancy 4D ultrasound. Just to fulfill my shallow need to know. I wish I had the stomach to even think about paying that much for a few ultrasound pictures even if I did have that $200 just laying around.

1 comment:

Brie said...

This post is exactly how I felt with Kinsey. I couldn't bring myself to open/de-tag/or wash anything pink until we had a third trimester U/S. It was fun to see baby in 3d/4d and yes, confirmed what the tech had announced at 18 weeks, but I am positive we won't be doing it again this time no matter how unsure I feel.My Dr doesn't do any U/S after the 18 week anatomy scan unless there are problems, maybe you can complain about less movement or something and get an U/S at your next appointment? We just don't have $150 to blow on a few pictures this time!


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