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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sunshine fever

Could it be the blinding sun and blue skies? I feel wildly productive today. Like I could clean the whole house and bake/cook enough meals for a week. It's funny how you don't realize how deprived of light you are until the sun finally pokes itself out from behind the clouds and the rain stops for a day. I'm sure by tomorrow we'll be back to the same old winter drizzles. But for now I'm gonna bake some Cherry Cake and work on dinner, fold some laundry, vacuum, dust. Heck I might even pull the tags off of Cadence's clothing and wash it. Go me!


Christy said...

Girl, I feel your pain! I blogged/FB'd about this today. Cabin fever and missing my things. LOL
Glad you got a lot done!

Christa said...

Yuck about the cabin fever. I hope you guys get some break in the weather. We are having our first nice day in at least a month. :)


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