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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Best. Teacher. Ever. Free printable

This time of year is bittersweet. The rainy spring is fading into warmer June days and my kids are becoming antsy. They literally ::twitch:: with energy and I am SO GLAD I can send them OUTSIDE! All winter I dreamed of this moment. The day when I can send them to the backyard and not worry about them face - planting in the mud. Yup. That has actually happened - See?  Poor Ethan! This is me trying not to laugh at his misfortune.

Instead we can look forward to adventures that revolve around bug hunting, slug hunting, bike rides, scraped knees, splashing in the kiddie pool and chasing each other with the hose. More like this:

^^^ that's a slug by the way  (not poop)  ^^^

What else does June bring? OH YES. The END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR.

A day all parents dread. haha. Endless days of being our kids social planners and hearing over and over "I'm booooooooooored". Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about! It doesn't matter how interesting I try to keep our lives. They are always "bored". Sigh.

Also - those teachers get a well deserved break. I know they need it desperately. I would if I were in charge of 30+ children who were not my own.

So in appreciation of our teachers and in the spirit of the beginning of summer I'd like to offer up a FREE - yes you heard me F.R.E.E. printable. I'm totally over the moon head in heels in love with chalkboards these days. Use a bright chalk marker and have your kiddo sign/decorate/scribble this little love note to their favorite teachers.

 Free Teacher Thank You Printable

If you download my free printable please share the love by repinning on Pinterest, facebook or tweeting. It's good Karma, I promise. 

This file will be blank without a name. If you would like me to personalize this digitally for you please see my shop listing at Dazzling Darling Designs on Etsy  HERE:

Happy Summer to All of YOU! Stay Sane! Be careful in the water. Wear sunscreen. Always. 

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