This week has been such a whirlwind! My babies are all starting school. Well - that's not true. My littlest baby is home. But my big babies are all school bound. Mackenzy made it through her first week of middle school intact. She was terrified. She made it. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" I told her as she dashed out of the van and ran into the school with 3 minutes to spare! haha! Sorry kiddo.
Ethan as always barely said goodbye to me as I dropped him off at Kindergarten. My social butterfly.
Cadence will be starting Preschool this week. She was timid and shy at orientation today. However, lured in by puzzles and blocks I had to rip her away from the toys to leave. Hopefully drop off will go smoothly on Thursday!
My little babies!
A little gift to all the parents out there that are high-fiving as they send their kids off to school. Peace at last! I will have 2 kids at home instead of 4 so I will share a virtual *high five* with anyone who wants to participate! The light at the end of the tunnel... I see it. It's out there. The days of crisp fall weather (soon I hope), deep earth toned oranges and browns, pumpkin spice lattes (Mmmmmm), and homework are upon us. Yes. I said the "H" word. HOMEWORK. Send your little cutie out the door with a quick picture holding up one of these cute and FREE printable signs. I've included Pre-K, Pre-school, Kindergarten, and 1st - 8th grade. Hey if you can still get your 8th grader to hold up a sign on the first day you get major props! Enjoy! Go out, learn and be safe.
It's the night before my oldest baby girl starts 6th grade. Middle school. YUP. you heard me. MIDDLE SCHOOL... the place where the big kids go. The place where kids go from babies to teens. How did this happen so fast? I remember the day she was born. Literally like it was yesterday! I still remember the shock when my doctor announced that I was in labor and "today was THE day".
And now... middle school. She is my first born. This means that every milestone that is her first is also MY first. I cried that day I sent her to Kindergarten. I died inside when she told me that she was lonely on the playground and I wanted SO badly to go to school and be her friend. Yet, she found her way. She made some friends and blossomed. She always has.
I still remember the day her Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Park, called me at home to let me know that Mackenzy had lost her very first tooth on the playground and they couldn't find it. *sigh* We told her the tooth fairy would go find and that it was no big deal.
Her first day riding the bus - mommy died a little inside. Worried to death that she wouldn't make it home on the right bus. Yet she did.
More tomorrow. This mama has to be up at 6 am to braid Mackenzy's hair and get us all out the door.