Or happy leap year? Hmmmm. Not sure how to celebrate this extra day of the year. I just realized that I haven't uploaded a picture for February. So perhaps my Project 12 is gonna flop? Nah!!! I WILL get a picture tomorrow. I will!!!!
The end of February marks the beginning of an emotional month. March. On March 8th my baby girl will be one. ONE! ONE YEAR OLD. I just can't believe a year has flown by so fast. Really really fast. I am so blessed. She is a healthy, bouncy, screachy, smiley, clapping, standing, crawling, vibrant one year old. almost.
I still can't believe how scary her birth was and how uncertain those first days were. I really didn't know if we would get to this place. Where she is so wonderful and healthy.
BLESSED. *tears*
I still have 8 more days of my baby before she gets advanced to toddler-hood. Or rather waddler-hood... since she isn't quite toddling yet. More like cruising holding onto the furniture. And plopping onto her diapered bottom. God I love that little girl. She rocks my world.
So happy end of February and beginning of March!